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Physics for Dummies :)

Oct 22, 2021
Which is the Fastest Rotating Object in the Universe?
Read this article to learn which is the most powerful and at the same time fastest rotating object in the observable Universe! (Spoiler...

Oct 21, 2021
What are the Orionids and why are They so Special?
The Orionids are caused by the debris of Halley's comet. The debris is composed by small particles that collide with the outer layers of...

Mar 10, 2020
Eating Junk Food Creates a Vicious Cycle. How can we Escape from it?
New research by psychologists in Australia, the USA and the University of Sussex in the UK shows how eating ‘junk food’ affects the part...

Mar 8, 2020
How Deadly Coronavirus Really is?
With a total of 110,100 confirmed victims and 4000 deaths, coronavirus statistics may appear intimidating to most of us. On 31 December...

Jan 31, 2020
Exploring a Higher Level of Consciousness
Of course we are are the most intelligent animals in the history of the planet. We often regard other animals such as dogs or cats as far...

Sep 24, 2019
A Mathematical Point is the Worst Nightmare for a Physicist. Here is Why:
From the Big Bang and black holes, to the most elementary particles of nature, and classical electromagnetism a point particle has always...

Sep 16, 2019
5 Common Misconceptions about Black Holes
Black holes remain an object of mystery for both experts and millions of science fans. Let us dig a little dipper into the unknown in...

Sep 14, 2019
Project: How to Measure the Speed of Light at Home
A very simple experiment that can be performed easily at your kitchen.

Sep 14, 2019
How a Mathematical Formula Transformed into a Scary "Ghost"
This has to be my worst Halloween nightmare.

Sep 13, 2019
The Smallest Possible Full Moon Coincides with Friday the 13th
The smallest possible full Moon coincides with Friday the 13th today, as the Moon is at a maximum distance from the Earth on its...

Sep 12, 2019
Will AI Become Truly Intelligent in the Future?
The answer has to be yes. Despite the complexity of human brain and body, at the end of the day these are all complex mechanical parts,...

Sep 10, 2019
Is India Keeping Secret of What Went Wrong with Chandrayaan 2?
Only three nations have sent successful missions to the moon: USSR, USA and China. But it certainly looks somewhat shameful event,...

Sep 7, 2019
Exoplanets are Discovered in Pleiades. The Ultimate Guide to Exoplanets
A beautiful discovery, near these bright and famous stars, also known as the 7 sisters or M45. Since 1995, when the first exoplanet was...

Sep 7, 2019
Are Squirrels More Intelligent Than Dogs?
These highly intelligent animals, that can stand upright like humans are much more evolved than one might think. According to a new...

Sep 6, 2019
This Lake is the Most Radioactive Place on Earth and it would Kill you in Seconds
In 1990, being close to the shore of lake Karachay would give you a lethal radiation dose in a matter of minutes. The lake was polluted...

Sep 6, 2019
Which is the Most Distant Human Made Object from Earth?
Read to learn which is the most distant human made object from Earth!

Sep 3, 2019
The Ultimate Guide to Ion Propulsion
Since the very beginnings of the 20th century, American Physicist Robert Goddard noticed the possibility of accelerating electrically...

Aug 30, 2019
The Sun for Dummies: The Ultimate Guide to the Sun
The Sun is the star of the day, a nuclear furnace that converts every second 4 million tons of hydrogen into energy, while at the same...

Aug 27, 2019
The Great Adventure of Voyager 2
Voyager 2 approached Neptune with success but so did Dr Who a few decades later!

Aug 25, 2019
Astronomy for Dummies: The Ultimate Guide to the Night Sky.
Read this article to learn the secrets of the night sky. One of the most significant stars of the night sky is the "Polaris" or "Alpha...

Aug 23, 2019
This New Superchip is the Largest Ever
The largest chip ever built. Much larger than its predecessors. New artificial intelligence possibilities are now open.

Aug 22, 2019
How 23 GB of Data were Leaked Online?
A massive online scandal. 1 million fingertips became available for malicious intentions. A security tool called Biostar 2, has been...

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